Real-Time Distance Reiki and Energy Healing
A Distance Reiki Session offers you an opportunity for receiving Reiki and Energy Healing, no matter where you are in the world. A live video call or chat with me will make this possible. Another benefit of this type of session is that I am able offer early morning and night time appointments for your convenience, as well as a global schedule.
During this session, you will relax comfortably in your own space, while I channel healing energy remotely by connecting with your energy body through perception, intention and visualization. A Distance Session works because Energy is not bound by time and space.
What Does a Distance Session Look Like?
Before Your Session: Conversation and Intention Setting
Before we meet for your session, you will complete an intake form. This provides you the opportunity to describe the reasons you are seeking your healing session. You can be as specific or general as you are comfortable with. During your session we will have a conversation about your areas of challenge, and then set your intention for healing from there. Your intention will guide the energy work.
Preparing for Your Session Time
For your session, you will find a quiet area to be online, where you can lie down comfortably, and won’t be disturbed. You may wish darken your space. I will provide you a link to calming meditative music with healing tones and frequencies for you to listen to during your session. Just before your session you may want to take a few moments to reconnect with yourself. A bit of quiet reflection, prayer, meditation, breathing, or grounding are good ways to shift into readiness.
Your Session: Connection and Energy Transmission
At the designated time, we will meet on Zoom or Chat. We will first have a conversation to connect and to clarify your goals and intentions. I will answer any questions you may have before we begin. You will lie down or sit comfortably, and I will facilitate your session. I use the same techniques that I use in an in-person session. Here, I’m simply working in my mind’s eye. I utilize remote vision and tactile imaging, and hand positioning and intuitive movement, to channel Reiki and balance your energy body.
Receiving Reiki and Energy Healing
As I send Reiki and Healing Energy, you may experience various sensations. Some people feel deep relaxation or even fall asleep, while others may notice their mind wandering. You may experience a sense of calm, floating, tingling or pulsing, seeing colors or lights, or warmth or coolness. You may experience gentle emotional releasing, or a general sense of peace, restfulness, and well-being. Trust the process; you’re allowing healing to occur.
Closing Your Session
At the close of your session, I will gently bring you back from your experience where you may want to take a few moments to rest. You will have an opportunity to share about your experience, as some clients like to describe sensations or insights. Or like other clients, you may choose to silently reflect internally. I will describe in general way what I found during your session. I can also share any messages or guidance for you that I may have received.
After our call or chat ends, you may take some time to integrate your new energies. You can journal about your experience, draw, meditate on any insights, or simply enjoy the peaceful feeling. This will help solidify and deepen your healing process.
Following-Up: Notes and Suggestions
I encourage you to reach back out after the session to share any details you might not have realized at the time of your session, any insights you have had since, or any energy shifts you have noticed. This can help to enlighten your healing journey.
Within 72 hours following your session, you will receive an email from me with a detailed summary of the energy work we did. This could include a description of the energetic anomolies I found, any clairsentient experiences I had, how the Reiki energies were moving through your system, what energy healing techniques I employed during your session, or a visual model of parts or the whole of your energetic body. I will make connections and assimilations. I will also share the claircognizant insights I have received. I will also give appropriate suggestions to help you integrate your experience.
Integrating Your Experience
The beauty of a Distance Reiki Session is that just like in an in-person session, your healing will continue into days and weeks following your session. During this period, a shift in the many layers of your being is occurring. Old energies and blockages are moving out, and new energies are flowing in. Your body is acclimating and adjusting. Take care of your physical body with rest, hydration and nourishment. Be gentle with yourself and practice compassionate psychological and emotional self-care. Be present with the new flow of life-force energy that you have opened up to.
Asynchronous Distance Reiki and Energy Healing
An Asynchronous Distance Reiki session provides a unique and cost-friendly opportunity for receiving Reiki and Energy Healing that fits seamlessly into your busy lifestyle. Within 24 hours of your scheduled time, you will receive your Reiki healing session.
Another benefit of this type of session, is that you don't need to be at any specific place at any specific time; instead, you can go about your day and receive healing energy at your convenience, no matter what you are doing. Asynchronous Reiki is effective, because Energy is not bound by time or space.
What Does an Asynchronous Session Looks Like?
Before Your Session: Conversation, Intention Setting, and Preparation
Before your session, you will complete an intake form. This gives you the opportunity to share with me your areas of concern, and the things you would like to focus for healing. We will then have a brief email conversation, and from this, set your intention for your session. Although you do not have to do anything more to receive the full healing effects of your Reiki session, I can offer some suggestions if you would like to help prepare a personal ritual to support your intention to receive your healing.
Your Session: Connection and Energy Transmission
To connect with you energetically, I prepare myself through prayer and meditation. I also invoke specific Reiki energies that allow for distance healing. I use the same distance healing techniques that I use in a real-time session. I will channel the Reiki energy, and send it to you. I also use clairvoyant and clairsentient techniques, along with claircogizant direction. Your session will look exactly like it would if we were together in real-time.
Receiving Reiki and Energy Healing
I will facilitate your session within 24 hours of your scheduled time. You will receive Reiki and energy healing, no matter where you are or what you are doing. Some clients report sensing shifting energies at the time of transmission. Others notice a general sense of well being in the hours and days following the session. Still others will experience dramatic shifts in mental and emotion states, and in physical pain.
Following-Up: Notes and Suggestions
Immediately following the session, you will receive an email from me confirming that your session is complete.
Then within 72 hours, you will receive a detailed summary of our energy work. This could include a description of the energetic anomolies I found, any clairsentient experiences I had, how the Reiki energies were moving through your system, what energy healing techniques I employed during your session, or visual model of parts or the whole of your energetic body. I will make connections and assimilations. I will also share the insights I have received. I will also give appropriate suggestions to help you integrate your experience.
Integrating Your Experience
I encourage you to reach out after the session to share your experience and any shifts you noticed. This can deepen your healing journey.
As with a traditional Reiki session, your healing will continue into days and weeks following your session. During this period, a shift in the many layers of your being is occurring. Old energies and blockages are moving out, and new energies are flowing in. Your body is acclimating and adjusting. Take care of your physical body with rest, hydration and nourishment. Be gentle with yourself and practice compassionate psychological and emotional self-care. Be present with the new flow of life-force energy that you have opened up to.