What is Reiki Energy Healing?

Reiki Energy Healing is a complementary healing modality which is based on the concept of a Universal Life-Force Energy. Reiki supports the healing and balance of all aspects of our being at the energetic level.

The Whole Self

Human beings are more than just a brain inside a physical shell. We are complex muti-layered beings—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. We are quantum. Energy Healing addresses our whole being. We are an amalgamation of our unique personality traits and life experiences. But at the core of who we are is our spirit, and our consciousness. And our consciousness is guided by a universal energy source that also animates every living thing.

Universal Life-Force Energy

This vital energy source flows in and around our being. Rei means Universal—or spiritually guided, and Ki is Life Force Energy. Other terms for life-force energy are chi, prana, and qi. Other terms for Rei could be The Universe, Divine Wisdom, Quantum Reality, Consciousness, Spirit, God, Oneness, Higher Self, Great Mystery. Reiki is self-intelligent. It never harms. It is both gentle and powerful. It only ever works toward our highest good.

Our Energetic System

By design, this life-force energy flows in and around our body in a particular way. This is called our energetic system. Our being is not defined by a physical body; our physical body arises out of our energetic substructure. This structure is the underlying core blueprint for our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

We can compare how our energetic system works to how our circulatory system works: Our blood flows through our body in a particular way by design. If it’s functioning properly, we are healthy; we feel good—balanced, properly energized, centered. But, if our blood flow is interrupted by being diverted or blocked, the situation deteriorates, and the result can be acute and long term damage. This is the same with our energetic system.

Dysregulation, Imbalance, and Blockages

Our energy body can become imbalanced, affected by diversions and blockages. These are unhealthy patterns. We are now in state of dysregulation. Initial symptoms of our energetic imbalances are feeling stressed, fatigued, scattered, irritable, on-edge, or generally unwell. If these patterns become long-term, it can lead to chronic pain and disease. There are also singular life circumstances which can cause acute and lasting impact to our energetic system.

Causes of Energetic Imabalance

Contributors to the dysregulation of our energy bodies are daily stress, traumas, and our own thoughts. Daily stress compounds and becomes cumulative, wreaking havoc on our bodies, minds, and emotions. A childhood trauma will affect our present day energy flow as an adult. Our negative self-talk, unloving inner voice, depletes us of life force energy. Wrong core beliefs about ourself and harmful conclusions or “thought forms” deplete us as well.

Elizabeth Butler Certified Usui/HF III Reiki Practioner

Multi-Layered Healing

Reiki Energy Healing works on all levels of our selves: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The purpose of an energy healing session, is to re-balance the energetic flow in your system—the life force energy in and around your body. Reiki works on all layers of our energetic experience, both the conscious and unconscious.

Innate Wisdom

This healing works innately. You don’t have to have any set of beliefs or do anything for Reiki healing to work. It is based on the principles of quantum physics. Universal Life Force Energy has its own wisdom. And our body has its own wisdom; we are designed to heal ourselves. When we combine the these, that’s when remarkable things happen. Notably, the body moving into the state of relaxation.

Conditions for Well-Being

Reiki treatment shifts us into the relaxation response in our nervous system. It moves us from our sympathetic nervous system—fight or flight, into our parasympathetic nervous system—rest, digest, and restore. This is the state of being necessary for wellness to occur. Reiki supports the conditions our bodies need for processing and healing. Reiki allows us to process events and emotions on a deeper level in a gentle way. Reiki allows us to move out of states of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dis-ease.

An Open Mind: Possibilities Beyond Self-Limiting Beliefs

An open and explorative mind is a scientific mind. Is it possible that we don’t have all the answers? Is there something more to our existence—something more to us—beyond what we can measure with our current scientific methods? What is consciousness? What is Love? What is connectedness? What lies underneath it all? The only way to know something is to experience it. Is there something in you that is resonating with this, and is there something in your intuition saying that this is possible?

Try a Reiki Energy Healing Session and see how it changes you.

See for yourself what is possible.

What does a Reiki Session with me look like?

How Can Reiki Energy Healing Help You?

Reiki, the “Universal Life Force Energy”, facilitates deep levels of healing and transformation. Although gentle in nature, it can be a powerful treatment in itself and also works well to enhance other natural or traditional medical treatments. Reiki can help you in many ways:

Physical healing

  • Reduce physical pain

  • Recover from addictions/substance abuse

  • Accelerate the healing of serious injuries, surgeries, illness

  • Reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and other medical treatments

  • Increase the effectiveness of other natural and traditional medical treatments

Emotional healing

  • Relieve anxiety, stress, depression

  • Neutralize emotional trauma and triggers

  • Enjoy life and have more positive experiences

  • Release unwanted habits and install new positive habits

  • Clear negative thought patterns and energetic attachments

  • Identify and release hidden blocks that are holding you back

  • Heal relationship issues and improve communication with others

Spiritual healing

  • Heal the Ego and reveal your Authentic Self

  • Reconnect you with your Source of Being

  • Discover and live your true life purpose

  • Experience a deep sense of peace and contentment

  • Balance and harmonize your energy meridians and chakras

  • Identify and release early life, past life, and ancestral patterns negatively affecting you

What Are Common Reasons for Seeking Reiki Energy Healing?

Physical Healing Acceleration:

Dramatically increase the healing time of serious illness, serious injuries, and surgical procedures, by healing at the cellular level and speeding up your natural process.
(2-3 sessions/week recommended)
*People with infectious illnesses are welcome to receive distance healing sessions from your home or hospital.

Fear and Anxiety Relief:

Do you feel anxious and fearful all the time? Does everything seem scary? Do you feel like this is interfering with your ability to live a full and satisfying life? Reiki can help relieve fear and anxiety and empower you with a new sense of confidence and control over your emotions and your life.
(2 sessions/week recommended)

Overwhelm and Fatigue Relief:

There are times in life when we simply have too much going on and feel totally overwhelmed with what we have to do, or what we believe we have to do. This state typically causes fatigue because we never have a chance to catch up on rest and relaxation so the body/mind /spirit can refill its energy reservoir. Reiki helps to release the old negative habits and install new beneficial habits into your energy field so you make better choices and feel more in control of your time and your life in general.
(weekly sessions recommended)

Addiction/Substance Abuse Recovery:

Reiki energy healing is very useful in supporting people who are in recovery from addictions and substance abuse. By healing the toxic damage in the body, calming the nervous system, and raising your vibrational frequency, the energy shift creates an oasis of peace and relief from cravings and self-judgment, helping you to experience a new sense of wellness, control, self-confidence, and self-forgiveness.
(2 sessions/week recommended)

Chronic Illness and Pain Relief:

One of the toughest things to bear in life is chronic pain or illness, reliance on debilitating medications, and little hope for healing. With chronic pain, Reiki calms the nervous system and takes the mental focus off of the issue, allowing the body and mind to enter into a deep state of relaxation that reduces stress and cortisol levels, pain and inflammation, which often reduces (and sometimes eliminates) the need for medication. If you are ill with chronic issues like Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Lyme disease, Lupus, etc., Reiki reduces the discomfort, strengthens your immune system and energy field, and calms your nervous system allowing more opportunity for healing to take place.
(2 sessions/week recommended)
*People with infectious illnesses are welcome to receive distance healing sessions from your home or hospital.

Compassion Fatigue Relief:

There’s been a dramatic increase recently in people experiencing Compassion Fatigue, not just in medical workers, healers, or caregivers, but in the general population. The symptoms can range from unexplained tiredness, fatigue, sadness, grief, guilt, inertia, feeling lost, deep unease, to exhaustion and overwhelm, and you don’t know why you feel this way. Reiki helps you to feel centered and balanced again, with a deeper sense of inner peace no matter what’s happening in your outer world.

Depression/Emotional Trauma/PTSD Relief:

Do you feel sad, depressed, have low energy, just feel like you don’t care much about life anymore? Have you experienced serious emotional trauma through loss, abuse, neglect, abandonment, divorce, death, an accident, war, or some other event that has taken over your mind, preventing you from living a happy, meaningful and productive life? Reiki helps to heal the emotional wounds and scars and neutralize the emotional triggers so you can find peace, feel relief, and start enjoying your life again.
(2 sessions/week recommended)

Getting Unstuck – Self Sabotage/Inner Conflict Resolution:

Sometimes we just feel stuck and conflicted, can’t make decisions, can’t move forward with our lives, but don’t know why. These energy healing sessions will identify and release the patterns and negative energies that are causing the inner conflicts, allowing you to let go, move forward, and achieve your goals in life.
(weekly sessions recommended)

Lost Souls – Finding Your True Life Purpose:

Do you feel like a lost soul, a stranger in your own life, unsure of what you’re supposed to be doing or even how to find out? In this series of sessions, we help you to identify your special gifts, what it is you are here on the planet to do, and formulate a plan to help you begin to live your true life purpose.
(weekly sessions recommended)

Relationship Healing:

Are you struggling with a relationship and don’t know how to heal it, or even how to proceed? The relationship healing skills you learn and experience in this package will serve you all your life for creating harmony and healing any form of relationship with family, friends, work related, or romantic.
(weekly sessions recommended)