What Will Your In-Person Reiki Session Look Like?
Preparing for Your Session
I will prepare your space to create an enviorment that supports your best healing. I ensure it is calm, cleared, and free from distraction. I energetically cleanse the space and invoke the Reiki energies into the room. A treatment table will be set up, with a blanket, pillow, and bolster for your comfort. I may lower the lights or close blinds to relax your sensory processing. I will play calming meditative music with healing tones, and frequencies. This will further calm down sources of sensory input, and the music can work on a vibrational level to help relax your body, mind, and emotions. Just prior to your session, I will have prepared myself through meditation and prayer, and by energetically connecting to the Reiki energies I have been attuned to through my training and practice.Conversation and Intention Setting
Together we will review your intake form, and then talk about the reasons you are seeking a Reiki Energy Healing treatment. Through our conversation we will be able clarify and understand all your needs and concerns. This will help us to set your intentions for the session. Doing this is a way to focus, and work in cooperation with, the Reiki healing energies through our conscious intent.Beginning Your Session
You will lie down fully clothed on the treatment table. Your comfort is my primary concern. I will take a moment to ground myself and connect to spiritual Source. You may also take a moment to connect with your Self, with breath, intent, or prayer. I briefly meditate on your intention, use symbols to call forth particular healing energies, and then I connect the Reiki energy to you. I will remain quiet during the remainder of the treatment portion of the session to promote your best relaxation and allow you to connect to your inner experience.Assessing Your Energy Field
First, I will lightly scan your energy field, either by hovering my hands just above your body or by gentle touch, in order to identify areas of energetic imbalance or blockages. I use clairvoyant and clairsentient techniques to detect these anomalies in your energy body. I also receive information claircognizantly, like an information download. All this energetic information will help me to follow the map I have, and to let the Reiki direct itself where it is most needed.Receiving Reiki and Energy Healing
Next, the treatment portion of your session begins. During the course of your treatment, I will place my hands in various positions lightly on, or just above, your body, and simply channel the healing energy. I typically hold hand positions for several minutes, allowing time for the energy to flow. Sometimes I will for longer, sometimes just for a few moments, depending on what heading is needed.I will usually begin at the top of your head and work downward. I will also move in succession from one place to the next, and I will work on multiple places at the same time. I work this way because the process involves following spontaneous intuitive direction.
As the healing recipient, you may experience a sense of calm and deep relaxation, floating, tingling or pulsing, warming or cooling, or a peacefulness and general well being. You may see imagery, lights, and colors, you may experience gentle emotional release. Your Mind may decide to wander. That is okay too. Many clients fall asleep as a natural reaction and does not affect your ability to receive healing.
6. Closing Your Session
When the energy work is complete, I will gently bring the session to a close. I will seal in your new energies and re-ground you. It may take a moment to come back to “wakefulness” due to the deep levels of relaxation and healing that have taken place.
After the session, you will have an opportunity to describe any sensations, experiences, or insights that you might have had. This can help solidify your experience. Or, you may choose to process your experience internally. Next, share my findings with you. These will be in general terms, as you will also receive a more detailed written assessment of your session in your follow-up email. Sometimes during a session, I will also receive specific imagery, guidance, or other messages for you. I can share those with you too, if that is something you desire.
7. Following-Up
Within 48 hours following your session, you will receive an email from me with a detailed summary of the energy work we did. This could include a description of the energetic anomolies I found, any clairsentient experiences I had, how the Reiki energies were moving through your system, what energy healing techniques I employed during your session, or visual model of parts or the whole of your energetic body. I will make connections between your energetic patterns and your emotional and metal states. I will also give appropriate suggestions to help you integrate your experience.
8. Integrating Your Healing
Your body has received healing on multiple levels. Many of these are deep layers at the unconscious level so it is good to practice mindfulness and compassionate self care in the hours and days following your session. After their session, some clients notice a renewed sense of well-bing. Still others will experience dramatic shifts in mental and emotional states, or of physical pain. Please hydrate, rest, stay well-nourished, and take time out for quiet self-reflection or journaling. These can help deepen your healing process. Know and trust that Reiki has always worked toward our primary and highest good.